Education services

Global Immigration Consultancy Services, a Canadian company based in Toronto Canada. The company offers both Immigration and Education Services to bring International students from India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan to study in Canadian Universities and Colleges to get world class education with less tuition fee as compared to other developed countries in the world. 91% employers in Canada identified the importance of cultural and other benefits from international students as per study conducted by the Canadian Bureau for International Education (CBIE).

They identified, among the relevant skills that international students can acquire the skills as stated below:

  • Greater independence and Self-sufficiency
  • Understanding of cultural differences
  • Tolerances towards ethnic groups
  • Broader understanding of the world
  • Adaptability to unfamiliar environments
  • New languages and General life skills.

In an increasingly globalized world, Colleges graduates will be getting jobs in multinational and multicultural teams and will likely visit other countries at some points in their careers.

The unique part of study in Canadian colleges is that Canadian colleges maintain their close relationship with employers and their community. They provide Canadians and International students with the advanced skills needed for employment, and according to independent surveys, over 90% of graduates are employed within 6 (six) months after graduation, with a 95% employers satisfaction rate. Once international students start working full-time jobs with at least 1 (one) year experience. They are entitled to apply for permanent resident visa and subsequently become permanent residents and ultimately citizen of Canada after 3 (three) years after becoming a permanent resident provided no criminality or inadmissible to Canada and residency obligations for the citizenship is satisfied.
International student recruitment is increasingly recognized as a potential solution to the skills shortage facing Canadian employers. International students could potentially become the skilled employees and entrepreneurs needed to maintain and increase Canadian competitiveness. Unlike other immigrants, graduates from Canadian colleges would be assured to break-through Canadian workforce with an acquaintance of Canadian Culture and necessary skills as employers needed.
Total expenses to study in Canada is cheaper as compared to other developing countries in the world. Also, Canada offers world class education to the Canadians and International students in an attempt to break-through domestic market as well as global competitive market.
Eligibility criteria to study in Canada is explained in other section of the home page.
Students from other countries should take a chance to build their careers in Canada after studying in Canada as international students and getting in Canadian workforce and subsequently enjoy Canadian life-styles with higher standard of living and live in a protected and more organized society with free health care.


If you have any queries about Immigration to Canada or willing to Study in Canada as International students, feel free to call us or send an e-mail to your nearest office or Kolkata office or Toronto office preferably with a resume to get feedback your reply gladly at the earliest.

Thanks for visiting our website, the right choice for the clients who are thinking about Immigration to Canada and Study in Canada